Ukraine Criticizes G20 Statement on Russian Invasion

Published 2023 Sep 10 Sunday

Kyiv: Ukraine has expressed dissatisfaction with the G20 leaders' statement regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The statement, while condemning the use of force for territorial gain, did not directly name Russia in its criticism.

Oleg Nikolenko, a spokesman for the Ukrainian foreign affairs ministry, stated that Ukraine appreciates the efforts of its partners who attempted to include stronger language in the statement. However, he emphasized that in terms of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the G20 has nothing to be proud of.

Nikolenko shared an edited part of the statement in which he changed "the war in Ukraine" to "the war against Ukraine" and added references to Russia.

The statement originally called for "all states" to "refrain from the threat or use of force to seek territorial acquisition against the territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any state." Unlike a G20 statement from last year in Bali, this statement did not explicitly mention Russia or cite a UN resolution condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Nikolenko suggested that Ukraine's participation in the meeting would have allowed other participants to better understand the situation.
