Groundbreaking AI Training Initiatives Launched for Morang Students

Published 2023 Dec 09 Saturday

Morang: In a pioneering move for the Koshi province, the Xavier's English School in Budhiganga-2 Tankisinwari of Morang has commenced teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and coding to school students. This initiative, believed to be the first of its kind in the province, aims to equip students with valuable skills in emerging technologies.

The training program, which began on Friday, is being conducted with the assistance of teachers from Distance Education Kathmandu. Vice Principal Janak Dhakal highlighted the importance of fostering skilled human resources, given the escalating demand for information technology professionals in the contemporary world.

Approximately 500 students from Grade 3 to 10 at Xavier's English School will receive instruction in AI, robotics, and coding. The inauguration ceremony was officiated by Purbanchal University Assistant Dean Manoj Shah, Distance Education representative Krishna Bhandari, and School Principal Paresh Pokharel.

During the event, speakers expressed their confidence that this training would significantly contribute to the production of skilled human resources in information technology, addressing the country's growing needs in this sector. Notably, the school has made arrangements for free training for its students. Over the next year, Distance Education will conduct training sessions in 48 categories of information technology.
