Call for Political Sensitivity towards LGBTIQ Issues; Urgency in Implementing Laws Stressed

Published 2023 Dec 13 Wednesday
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Kathmandu: At a program organized by the Blue Diamond Society on Tuesday, participants called upon political parties to exhibit greater sensitivity towards the issues faced by the sexual and gender minority community. Speakers expressed concerns over the prolonged delay in enacting laws, leading to the deprivation of fundamental rights for LGBTIQ individuals.

Lawmaker and Rastriya Swatantra Party leader Sobita Gautam urged all political parties to prioritize the civil rights guaranteed by the constitution, emphasizing the need to avoid politicization within the parliament, especially concerning the endorsement of bills related to gender inclusion.

Lily Thapa, a member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), emphasized the importance of eliminating all forms of discrimination to ensure social justice, equality, and human rights in society.

Ramhari Gaire, Under-Secretary at the Ministry of Women, Children, and Senior Citizens, informed attendees that the ministry recognizes its responsibility in lawmaking. He highlighted ongoing efforts, including the formulation of an annual action plan, to address the concerns of the LGBTIQ community.

Pinky Gurung, president of the Blue Diamond Society, voiced dissatisfaction, stating that the state has not shown adequate seriousness in implementing laws drafted for the identity and rights of the LGBTIQ community. The collective call underscores the urgency for political attention and action on these crucial matters.
