Dhrube Elephant Rampages Through Chitwan, Demolishing Four Houses

Published 2024 Jan 05 Friday
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Chitwan: 'Dhrube,' a notorious wild tusker from Chitwan National Park, has once again ventured into human settlements, causing havoc in Madi Municipality and Bayarghari area of Bharatpur Metropolitan City-23, Chitwan on Wednesday and Thursday.

The wild tusker, Dhrube, reportedly demolished four houses at Bayarghari on Thursday, leaving the local residents in a state of terror, as confirmed by Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, Information Officer of Chitwan National Park (CNP).

This is not the first instance of Dhrube making an appearance in the vicinity; the elephant, responsible for the deaths of 22 people, was spotted in wards no. 23 and 24 of Bharatpur Metropolitan City and Madi area just last month.

In an effort to monitor and regulate Dhrube's activities, a satellite collar has been fitted to track the movements of the elephant. Despite these precautions, the National Park has urged local residents to take necessary precautions for their safety, given the entry of the wild tusker into human settlements.
