Tiger Population Increases: 14 Tigers Spotted in Someswor Bio-route

Published 2024 Jan 10 Wednesday

Chitwan: Chitwan National Park (CNP) has reported the discovery of 14 spotted tigers in the buffer zone adjacent to Balmiki Tiger Reserve in India. The monitoring, conducted over 40 days since October 12, revealed the presence of eight female and four male tigers.

CNP's Public Information Officer, Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, shared that the monitoring process involved dividing the bio-route into 62 grids, with 62 pairs of cameras installed in two-square-kilometer areas each. This comprehensive survey resulted in the identification of a significant increase in the tiger population.

In the 2018 survey, three tigers were identified, while the 2022 National Tiger Survey recorded eight tigers. The rise in tiger numbers is attributed to the active participation of the local community in conservation efforts and the dedicated initiatives of CNP.
