PM Dahal Urges Production and Employment-Centric Budget

Published 2024 Mar 28 Thursday

Kathmandu: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has stressed the importance of a budget that prioritizes production and employment generation in the country. He instructed ministers and secretaries to depart from traditional budget-making practices during a meeting held at Singha Durbar on Wednesday to assess resources for the upcoming budget.

PM Dahal emphasized the need for an innovative approach to budgeting that fosters hope and tackles challenges head-on. "There are two schools of thought on budget-making: traditional and innovative. I advocate for the innovative approach, which is ready to confront challenges and deliver results. We can defy the narrative of 'nothing is possible.' I am determined to introduce something new," he underscored during the meeting.

According to the PM, the traditional approach views the economy as under pressure, whereas the innovative approach sees opportunities for innovation despite challenges.

Furthermore, PM Dahal highlighted the role of the state in safeguarding its citizens, particularly during times of crisis. He stressed the importance of instilling public trust in the government through a budget that brings hope. "The success of any country lies in inspiring hope among its people," he added.

PM Dahal urged for increased revenue generation efforts, including expanding the tax base and curbing revenue leakage. He emphasized the need for special initiatives to boost capital spending and prioritize projects that contribute to economic growth and job creation.

Finance Minister Barsha Man Pun echoed the sentiments of the PM, emphasizing the importance of a budget that focuses on strengthening the economy.

The meeting was attended by the Vice Chair of the National Planning Commission, Chair of the National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission, the Chief Secretary, ministry secretaries, and other officials.
