Wildlife Conservation Faces Challenges: 21 Rhinos Deceased in 10 Months

Published 2024 May 10 Friday

Chitwan: Wildlife conservation efforts are encountering challenges as 21 rhinos have perished in and around the Chitwan National Park area during the past 10 months of the current fiscal year.

Among the casualties, two rhinos fell victim to poachers, while the remaining 19 succumbed to natural causes. Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, Public Information Officer at the national park, disclosed that the deceased rhinos comprised seven males, seven females, and seven unidentified individuals.

Various factors contribute to the decline in the rhino population, including entrapment in swamps, inter-species conflicts, aging, tiger attacks, poaching, human interventions, and electrocution. Tiwari emphasized the importance of habitat management, stating that managing grasslands and wetlands is crucial for rhino conservation. Efforts are underway to create new wetlands, refurbish existing ones, and manage grasslands to support rhino conservation endeavors.

In the previous fiscal year, 13 males, seven females, and one unidentified rhino were reported deceased. Presently, there are 694 rhinos residing in the park. To address habitat concerns, the Chitwan National Park has relocated some rhinos to the eastern region, aiming to balance the rhino population, particularly with the burgeoning numbers in the western part of the park, deemed favorable for the rare one-horned rhinos.
