Commencement of Rato Machhindranath Jatra in Lalitpur

Published 2024 May 12 Sunday
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Lalitpur: Rato Machhindranath Jatra kicked off today in Lalitpur, marking the beginning of a vibrant cultural celebration centered around the revered deity, Rato Machhindranath, known as the god of rain and prosperity.

The festivities commenced with the ceremonial pulling of the chariot housing the idol of Rato Machhindranath, an iconic symbol of hope for abundant rainfall and favorable times. The chariot, meticulously crafted at Pulchowk, embarked on its journey towards Gahbahal amidst the melodious tunes of traditional musical instruments.

Following the meticulous construction of the chariot, the sacred statue of deity Machhindranath was reverently installed upon it, signifying the commencement of the grand procession.

The procession of the Rato Machhindranath chariot commenced its journey from Pulchowk, traversing through the alleys and streets of Patan, before reaching its destination at Jawalakhel. This route encompasses a journey through all the toles of Patan, culminating in Jawalakhel, where the renowned Bhoto Jatra exhibition is traditionally held, adding further vibrancy to the cultural extravaganza.
