Lalitpur Metropolis Engaged in Heritage Reconstruction

Published 2024 Jun 30 Sunday
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Lalitpur: The Lalitpur Metropolitan City is actively involved in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of temples, shrines, traditional stone spouts, and other heritage sites damaged by the 2015 earthquake. Santosh Khadka, Chair of Ward No. 4 of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, confirmed that repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation efforts for these heritage sites have commenced.

Rajendra Maharjan, Chair of Ward No. 21, mentioned that the ward is working on the conservation and rehabilitation of approximately 15 historic heritage sites. Additionally, efforts are underway to repair and maintain 400 ponds within the metropolis.

Prof. Ram Kumar Panta, an expert who has conducted extensive research on Lalitpur's heritage, noted that many archaeologically significant sites damaged by the earthquake have already been reconstructed.

Lalitpur Metropolitan City is reconstructing and rehabilitating heritage sites damaged by the 2015 earthquake.
Efforts are focused on temples, shrines, traditional stone spouts, and other heritage sites.
Approximately 15 historic heritage sites in Ward No. 21 are under conservation and rehabilitation.
Repair and maintenance work is underway for 400 ponds within the metropolis.
Many archaeologically significant sites have already been reconstructed.
