Nepal Celebrates 42nd BP Memorial Day Honoring First Elected Prime Minister BP Koirala

Published 2024 Jul 21 Sunday

Kathmandu: Today marks the 42nd Memorial Day of BP Koirala, the first elected Prime Minister of Nepal. Various programs are being held nationwide to honor his legacy. Born on Bhadra 24, 1971 BS, and passing away on Saun 6, 2039 BS, Koirala was a prominent figure in Nepali politics and literature.

BP Koirala founded the Nepali Congress and was a strong advocate of nationalism, democracy, socialism, and national reconciliation. He became Nepal's first elected Prime Minister in Jestha 2016 following the 2015 parliamentary elections. His contributions to Nepali literature include works like "Tin Ghumti," "Modi Ain," "Hitler and Jew," "Sumnima," and "Narendradai."

As Prime Minister, Koirala championed land reform, aiming to abolish the birta system and promote land ownership among tillers. However, on 1st Poush 2017, his government was overthrown, leading to his imprisonment along with other leaders. After being released for health reasons in 2025 BS, Koirala lived in exile in India for eight years. He returned to Nepal on 16 Poush 2033 BS with a policy of national unity and reconciliation.

The Sundarijal Prison, where Koirala and other leaders were held, has been transformed into the BP Museum, showcasing significant items from his life, including a tanker used in the 2007 revolution and a hijacked Nepal Airlines Corporation plane from 2029.

To commemorate BP Memorial Day, the Nepali Congress, its sister organizations, and the BP Museum Management Committee are organizing various events. Additionally, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation will distribute the BP Koirala National Award at the Prime Minister's Residence in Baluwatar later today.
