Rocket Attack on Golan Heights Kills 12 Children and Teenager, Injures Over 10

Published 2024 Jul 28 Sunday

Kathmandu: In a tragic incident, a rocket attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights claimed the lives of 12 children and a teenager and left more than 10 others injured. The attack targeted a football field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, leading to widespread devastation and grief.

The Israeli military has attributed the rocket attack to Hezbollah, though Hezbollah has vehemently denied these allegations. In response to the attack, the Israeli military retaliated by firing rockets at targets in Majdal Shams.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the attack in the strongest terms, vowing that those responsible will face severe consequences. "The attackers will pay a heavy price," Netanyahu stated, emphasizing Israel's resolve in dealing with such threats.

This incident has further escalated tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, raising concerns about the potential for a direct war. Since the onset of the Israel-Gaza war in October last year, there has been a continuous exchange of fire between the Israeli army and Hezbollah, with both sides suffering casualties and damage.

The attack on the Golan Heights has intensified fears of a broader conflict in the region, as the situation remains highly volatile. The international community is closely monitoring developments, urging restraint and seeking ways to prevent further escalation.

Efforts to de-escalate the situation have so far been unsuccessful, and the potential for a direct conflict between Israel and Hezbollah looms large. The human toll and the growing instability highlight the urgent need for diplomatic interventions to prevent further loss of life and ensure regional stability.
