Twitter Challenger Threads Struggles for Traction

Frustrated Twitter Users Spread Across Various Platforms

Published 2023 Jul 24 Monday

San Francisco: After a promising debut, Threads, Meta's challenger to Twitter, has witnessed a decline in popularity. Sensor Tower data reveals that the average daily time spent on Threads has plummeted by over 75% since its impressive launch on July 6. The platform garnered over 100 million sign-ups within five days, surpassing AI tool ChatGPT's record as the fastest-growing consumer app. Early adopters seeking an escape from Twitter's chaotic state initially flocked to Threads, but weeks later, the platform has experienced a significant decline in new sign-ups.

Threads Falls Short of Dethroning Twitter
Despite its initial surge, Threads is far from posing a threat to Twitter's dominant position as the go-to platform for online commentary and news. Analysts suggest that even with the leadership of Elon Musk, Twitter's mercurial tycoon, Threads lacks the capacity to completely displace the established giant. Twitter currently boasts around 200 million regular users, while Threads struggles to find its own identity and expand its user base.

Threads vs. Twitter: Different Crowds and Use Cases
Threads faces challenges in differentiating itself from Instagram and Twitter, its sister platforms within the Meta ecosystem. Unlike Twitter, Threads targets a different audience, mainly comprised of Instagram users accustomed to sharing images and videos, rather than engaging in discussions or sharing opinions. The platform needs to focus on fostering creator engagement and developing its unique identity to stand out as a formidable Twitter alternative.

The Missing EU Market and Competitor Diaspora
One significant hurdle for Threads is its absence from the European Union due to uncertainties surrounding data privacy legislation. By not tapping into this substantial market, Threads is missing out on a large chunk of potential users. Additionally, frustrated Twitter users seeking alternatives have spread across various platforms, including Mastodon, Bluesky, and Threads, resulting in a fragmented "diaspora" rather than a centralized alternative to Twitter.

Downloads Soar, but Differentiation Lags
Threads' app has been downloaded over 184 million times worldwide since launch. However, the platform is struggling to offer distinctive features and functionalities compared to Twitter, leaving users questioning why they should abandon the established platform for Threads.

In conclusion, while Threads experienced a momentary surge and threatened Twitter's dominance, it has since struggled to maintain its momentum. Differentiating itself from its sister platforms and establishing a unique user base remains key to Threads' viability as a serious challenger to Twitter.
