121 New TB Patients Discovered in Hariwan Municipality, Sarlahi

Published 2023 Sep 16 Saturday

Sarlahi: Hariwan municipality in Sarlahi has reported the discovery of 121 new tuberculosis (TB) patients. Despite the municipality's commitment to becoming TB-free by the year 2078, this recent finding highlights the ongoing challenges in combatting the disease.

According to Rambabu Chaudhary, the coordinator of the municipality's health branch, 121 new TB patients were identified in the last fiscal year (2079/80), following 110 cases in the previous fiscal year (2078/79).

Aajmad Ali Mikrani, TB program coordinator of Bagmati Sewa Samaj Nepal, emphasized the need for support and cooperation from various stakeholders, including public representatives, community organizations, private health institutions, social workers, political leaders, and the media, to effectively combat tuberculosis.

The government of Nepal has set the goal of declaring Hariwan and Nijgadh Municipalities, as well as Laxminiyan Rural Municipality in Madhes Province, as tuberculosis-free areas in the first phase, aligning with the objective of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Efforts to combat and eliminate tuberculosis continue to be a priority for public health in Nepal.
