Karnali Festival Sparks Policy Discussions for Regional Development

Published 2023 Dec 28 Thursday

Kathmandu: The Karnali festival has become a platform for heated debates on public policy, aiming to drive development initiatives in the Karnali region of Nepal. Held in Birendranagar, the festival tackles critical issues like agriculture, health, education, tourism, climate, and culture, seeking to inform policymaking.

Hriti Foundation, the festival's organizer, sees it as a catalyst for public policy discussions. Chairman Kamal Lamsal believes the event encourages dialogue on relevant issues, with over 184 speakers, including foreign experts, sharing their diverse perspectives.

"The Karnali festival showcases that national-level festivals can thrive outside major cities," expresses Dinesh Gautam, the Foundation's Executive Director. He emphasizes the festival's role in promoting knowledge about Karnali's culture, education, health, sports, and tourism, while also spotlighting local talent.

The upcoming fifth edition promises to delve deeper into crucial topics. Post-earthquake reconstruction, relief distribution, and government accountability will take center stage during discussions. An investment conference and budget mobilization efforts are also planned.

Participants in the latest event urged the organizers to broaden the scope of discussions. Topics like Ayurvedic medicine, flood management, youth migration, innovative solutions, and research in the Sinja Valley were suggested for future editions.

The Karnali festival serves as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a brighter future for the region. By fostering conversation and collaboration, it empowers communities to advocate for their needs and secure sustainable development.

This rewritten news article presents the information in a concise and informative way, highlighting the key aspects of the Karnali festival's role in driving policy discussions and regional development.
