Framework for Post-quake Reconstruction to be Determined After On-site Study and Feedback

Published 2024 Jan 20 Saturday

Kathmandu: The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) has announced that the framework for reconstruction in earthquake-affected areas will be established after conducting on-site studies and gathering suggestions from survivors. CEO Anil Pokharel mentioned that the reconstruction efforts would be based on thorough on-site monitoring and input from the quake survivors.

To facilitate this, a team led by CEO Pokharel has initiated the study in the Karnali region, reaching quake-affected areas since Friday. The team is scheduled to visit Rukum West and Jajarkot to interact with survivors and collect their suggestions.

At present, the focus is on the construction of temporary houses for earthquake survivors. CEO Pokharel emphasized the importance of reaching a conclusion after conducting on-site studies and holding province-level discussions based on the feedback received.

Prakashchandra Adhikari, head of the private housing and reconstruction unit of NDRRMA, stated that the team was deployed to assess the ongoing work in the field and address any complaints. According to NDRRMA information, the number of beneficiaries in the Jajarkot earthquake has surpassed 79,000, with 24,000 temporary housing units completed and grant agreements in place for 50,000 families. Additionally, 10,000 houses are currently under construction.
