Heat Wave Kills 6 in Rajasthan, India as Temperatures Hit 49°C

Published 2024 May 29 Wednesday

Rajasthan: A severe heat wave has claimed the lives of six people in the western Indian state of Rajasthan, with temperatures soaring to a scorching 49 degrees Celsius. Almost all regions in the state are experiencing temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius.

Impact of the Heat Wave
Deaths: Six fatalities have been reported due to the extreme heat.
Health Issues: The number of heatstroke patients surged from 2,809 to 3,622 on Monday.
Advisories Issued: The local government has issued advisories urging the public to take precautions against the heat.

Government and Weather Department Recommendations
Avoid Heat Exposure: People are advised to stay indoors and avoid direct sunlight.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking sufficient water, even if not feeling thirsty, is strongly recommended.
Cool Places: Staying in cool places is advised to prevent heat-related illnesses.

Broader Impact
India's Heatwave Conditions: Large parts of India are currently grappling with intense heatwave conditions, severely impacting health and livelihoods.
Forecast: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had previously warned of extreme heat from April to June, particularly affecting central and western peninsular regions.
The intense heat wave underscores the urgent need for heat preparedness and public health measures to mitigate the impact on vulnerable populations.
