Controversy Over Chinese Ambassador’s Comments Amid Chitwan Bus Search Efforts

Published 2024 Jul 29 Monday

Kathmandu: Chinese Ambassador to Nepal, Chen Song, has sparked outrage with his recent comments regarding the ongoing search for the 36 passengers and two buses that went missing after a landslide in Chitwan caused them to plunge into the Trishuli River. The search efforts have been hampered by the river’s rapid flow and turbidity, making it a challenging task for rescuers.

The buses, which disappeared two weeks ago, have yet to be found, leaving the families of the 36 missing passengers in anguish. A team of four divers and 12 technical experts from India had been assisting in the search but returned home on Sunday after their equipment proved ineffective under the difficult conditions of the river.

During the search, a 19-kilogram magnet, essential for the rescue operation, was lost in the river, adding to the complexity of the search efforts. Ambassador Song made a controversial post on the social network X, mocking the situation with his remark, "Find the Magnet First."

He wrote, "Some people argue that commenting is inappropriate. My answer to them: What's wrong with commenting? The search shouldn't be speeded up. If the magnet search needs to be speeded up, people only start asking questions after the magnet is lost? 19 kilos used in the search" The magnet went missing, later on Sunday, the search operation was given another setback on Saturday after it was found with a life buoy tube in the Narayani river near Kavreghat.”

Following the recovery of the lost magnet, Ambassador Song posted again, “If this news is true, it's good news. Now focus on the search and hurry up. Good luck to the search teams.”

These comments have not been well received in Nepal, with many perceiving them as insensitive and mocking the serious nature of the ongoing search and rescue efforts. Advocate Mohana Ansari, a former commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission and Women's Commission, reacted strongly on X, writing, “Wow...what a comment by a diplomat.”

Another X user, Sadiksha Karki, sarcastically commented, “Thank goodness Deepak Manange is wearing a vest to cover his shame at least. Otherwise, the neighbors will expose everything.”

Ansari further emphasized the gravity of the situation, noting that the relatives of the missing persons are still waiting for their loved ones to be found and that such a situation is not a joke. She called for international partners to extend their helping hand and provide modern tools for the rescue efforts.

Critics argue that Ambassador Song's comments undermine the capabilities of the Indian and Nepali teams. Instead of criticizing the rescue efforts, they believe the ambassador should offer assistance and support to expedite the search and rescue operations.
