Ten Countries Welcome Nepal's Endorsement of Transitional Justice Bill

Published 2024 Aug 30 Friday

Kathmandu: Ten countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and several European nations, have welcomed Nepal's recent endorsement of the amended Investigation of Disappeared Persons, Truth, and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Act 2071 by the Federal Parliament.

In a joint statement, the countries—Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Japan, Finland, the European Union, Germany, and France—expressed their support for the legislative move. They emphasized the importance of continued participation by victims in decision-making processes, which they believe is key to the effective implementation of the TRC Act.

The statement also highlighted the countries' commitment to exploring mechanisms to support the Government of Nepal in ensuring that victims benefit from the newly outlined path forward. The international community urged all stakeholders to unite in concluding this critical chapter of Nepal’s history, and they expressed their readiness to assist in the effective delivery of the mandates of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Commission on the Investigation of Enforced Disappeared Persons.
