NC President Deuba Stresses Gradual Strengthening of Provincial Structures

Published 2024 Sep 18 Wednesday

Patan (Lalitpur): Nepali Congress (NC) President Sher Bahadur Deuba emphasized the need to gradually strengthen provincial structures in Nepal. Speaking at a Constitution Day event organized by the NC Department of Law, Deuba highlighted the importance of overcoming existing shortcomings in the system to bolster provincial governance.

He stressed the relevance of proportional inclusion, stating that all castes should be brought into the governance mainstream. "This country belongs to all, so there is a need for proportional inclusion to ensure all castes are represented in the governance system," he added.

Deuba also pointed out that legal provisions to end caste-based discrimination have not been fully implemented in practice. He reaffirmed the importance of democracy, stating that the Constitution should not be amended in a way that undermines democratic principles.

NC central member Pushpa Bhusal emphasized the importance of implementing the Constitution, particularly its focus on inclusiveness, while senior advocate and constitutional expert Purna Man Shakya praised the NC's role in transferring rights from the monarchy to the people through the Constitution.

Shakya also highlighted the need for stability in federal and provincial governments to ensure economic and infrastructural development. He proposed the idea of direct elections at the provincial level to address governance flaws.

