First Double Amputee Mountaineer Scales Sagarmatha, Receives Hero's Welcome

Published 2023 May 23 Tuesday

Kathmandu: Hari Bahadur Budha, a double amputee who successfully scaled Sagarmatha (Mt Everest) on May 19, received a warm welcome at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) today. Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Sudan Kirati, tourism entrepreneurs, and members of the Magar Community were present to greet Budha upon his arrival from Lukla.

Budha, a former Gurkha army personnel, made history by becoming the first double amputee mountaineer to conquer Sagarmatha. He reached the summit with the assistance of prosthetic limbs. Minister Kirati expressed his congratulations to Budha, acknowledging his indomitable courage throughout his life.

Minister Kirati stated, "Budha has sent a powerful message from the top of Sagarmatha. He has shown the world community that nothing is impossible with hard work and determination."

Budha expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the team that supported him in achieving this remarkable feat. He emphasized that his successful ascent would not have been possible without the team's unwavering dedication, even at the risk of their own lives.

Budha, who lost both legs below the knee due to an IED explosion in Afghanistan in 2010, has proven that resilience and determination can overcome even the most daunting challenges. His triumphant journey serves as an inspiration to people worldwide.

The warm welcome at TIA highlights the nation's pride and admiration for Budha's extraordinary achievement as a double amputee who conquered the mighty Sagarmatha.
