Emphasis on Upholding Commitment for Achieving SDGs

Published 2023 Aug 21 Monday

Kathmandu: A symposium organized by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) underscored the need for intensified efforts in the realm of safe motherhood and reproductive rights, aligning them with economic growth and inclusivity to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At the UNFPA event held on Sunday, speakers highlighted the importance of honoring commitments in the domain of population and development to effectively attain the SDGs. One of these objectives, articulated in Goal 5 of the SDGs, pertains to "gender equality," with Nepal pledging to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.

Nepal has shown commendable progress in combatting prevalent issues such as child and forced marriages, aligning with its commitment towards the SDGs. However, to achieve these goals by 2030, the speakers recommended intensifying endeavors like awareness campaigns and development initiatives.

Dr. Prof Yogendra Bahadur Gurung, Chief of the Department of Population Studies at Tribhuvan University, acknowledged the reduction in infant mortality, maternal mortality, and child marriage rates as per the recent 2021 census. Nonetheless, he stressed the need for more proactive actions to meet the SDGs within the set timeline. Dr. Gurung also flagged the mounting challenges to human security brought about by migration trends, particularly towards urban and Terai regions.

UNFPA Representative for Nepal, Won Young Hong, urged Nepal to focus on both economic and social development, asserting that economic growth significantly impacts public health rights and equality. Meanwhile, activist Bandana Rana advocated for a forward-looking policy approach, aligning Nepal's goals with those set by the International Conference on Population and Development.

Rana stressed the importance of inclusive sexual and reproductive health services and financial policies, aiming to empower all women and girls in line with SDGs' Goal No. 5, thereby fostering gender equality.
