Nepali Ambassadors Pledge to Promote Exports

Published 2023 Sep 11 Monday

Kathmandu: Nepal's Ambassadors to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Thailand, and Kuwait have committed to working diligently to promote exports to their respective host countries. They made this commitment during an interaction program organized by the Trade and Export Promotion Centre in Lalitpur.

Nepali Ambassador to Thailand, Dhan Bahadur Oli, emphasized the need for collaboration between entrepreneurs and diplomats to boost trade and exports. He highlighted the unique quality of Nepali products like cardamom, ginger, and strawberries, and their potential in international markets.

Ambassador Ghanshyam Lamsal, stationed in Kuwait, pledged to address the issues faced by Nepali migrant workers and facilitate trade promotion. He mentioned the priority of labor and trade-related activities in his diplomatic mission.

Ambassador Tej Bahadur Chhetri, serving in the UAE, expressed his commitment to supporting Nepali products and traders. He mentioned providing stalls at exhibitions in the UAE and encouraging Nepali communities to organize events in foreign countries.

The Ambassadors acknowledged the significant trade deficit Nepal faces and expressed their dedication to promoting Nepali products and trade opportunities in their respective host countries.

The interaction also highlighted the potential for exporting Nepali carpets to the UAE and the need for affordable stall initiatives to support exporters.
