Parliament Commits to Enact Press-Friendly Laws, Safeguard Journalists' Professional Security

Published 2024 May 03 Friday

Kathmandu: In a press release marking World Press Freedom Day, Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR), Devraj Ghimire, reaffirmed the commitment of Nepal's parliament to draft legislation conducive to press freedom. Ghimire emphasized the parliament's dedication to ensuring the safety of journalists' professional pursuits and discouraging any activities that impede freedom of expression.
Highlighting the importance of the occasion, Ghimire expressed his hopes that World Press Freedom Day would inspire individuals to confront practical challenges while upholding constitutional rights. He stressed that in the post-political movement era, the Nepali press should play a pivotal role in promoting good governance, development, and prosperity-oriented activities.
Asserting that the Constitution of Nepal guarantees press freedom, the Speaker underscored the vital role of the press in a democracy. He stated that press freedom and access to information are essential for fostering a healthy democratic society. Ghimire emphasized the media's responsibility to combat misinformation and ignorance while disseminating factual information.
Recognizing the press as a crucial ally in the democratic movement and the fight for press freedom, Ghimire highlighted the symbiotic relationship between democracy and the media sector. He concluded by emphasizing that the development and advancement of the communication sector are intrinsically linked to democracy
