Emigrants Including Nepalis Request Correction on Portuguese Immigration Policy

Published 2024 Jul 16 Tuesday

Lisbon, Portugal: Representatives from various emigrant associations recently met with Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to request corrections to the country's immigration policy.

Led by the Emigrants' Solidarity Association, the delegation, including Timoteo Macedo and Raj Kumar Thapa from the NRNA Coordination Council, informed President de Sousa that recent changes to Portugal's immigration policy could pose significant challenges for migrants. Thapa emphasized that millions of emigrants would be adversely affected by the policy changes and urged the President not to tighten the regulations further.

President de Sousa showed interest in the concerns raised and acknowledged that his attention had been drawn to the issue. The delegation submitted a memorandum signed by representatives of 51 migrant associations, highlighting the widespread concern among the emigrant community.
