125 People Killed in Disaster-Related Incidents Since June 10

Published 2024 Jul 19 Friday

Kathmandu: Since June 10, Nepal has witnessed numerous disaster-related incidents, including floods and landslides, which have resulted in the tragic loss of 125 lives across various parts of the country.

According to Nepal Police spokesperson, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Dan Bahadur Karki, the fatalities include:

Kathmandu: 2 deaths
Koshi Province: 22 deaths
Madhes Province: 5 deaths
Bagmati Province: 20 deaths
Gandaki Province: 38 deaths
Lumbini Province: 23 deaths
Karnali Province: 7 deaths
Sudurpaschim Province: 8 deaths
In addition to the fatalities, 134 people have been injured in these disaster-related incidents:

Kathmandu: 8 injured
Koshi Province: 34 injured
Madhes Province: 9 injured
Bagmati Province: 7 injured
Gandaki Province: 29 injured
Lumbini Province: 9 injured
Karnali Province: 33 injured
Sudurpaschim Province: 14 injured
Rescue operations have successfully saved 41 people in Koshi Province and 12 in Gandaki Province. However, eight people remain missing:

Koshi Province: 2 missing
Madhes Province: 1 missing
Bagmati Province: 2 missing
Gandaki Province: 1 missing
Karnali Province: 1 missing
Sudurpaschim Province: 1 missing
DIG Karki emphasized that search operations are ongoing for those missing due to floods and landslides. The data does not include those missing from the Simaltal incident, where two buses with 65 passengers went missing.

The disasters have caused extensive damage to property and livestock:

Inundated Houses: 182
Damaged Structures: 222 houses, 80 cowsheds, 43 bridges, a school, and two government offices
Livestock Loss: 585 animals have died
Displaced Families: 3,721
The authorities continue to work tirelessly to address the aftermath of these disasters and provide support to the affected communities.
