Lack of Quorum Affects House Business

Published 2024 Jul 29 Monday

Kathmandu: The House of Representatives (HoR) was forced to remove the "Shahid Dasharath Chand Health Science University Bill" from its agenda on Sunday due to a lack of quorum. Although theoretical discussions on the Bill took place, the session had to be halted when lawmaker Santosh Pariyar pointed out the insufficient number of lawmakers present.

Minister for Education, Science and Technology Bidhya Bhattarai responded to the lawmakers' concerns, assuring that the Bill, aligned with the aspirations of the constitution, could be revised during clause-wise discussions in the parliamentary committee.

However, upon checking the quorum, Speaker Devraj Ghimire confirmed only 67 lawmakers were present, falling short of the required minimum of 69. Consequently, Speaker Ghimire announced the removal of the proposal from the agenda.

Additionally, the HoR passed a condolence motion for the 18 people who perished in the Saurya Airlines plane crash and for those missing in the bus incidents in Simtal, Chitwan. The next HoR meeting is scheduled for July 29.
