Constitution Amendment Should Be Objective, Not Subjective: Speaker Ghimire

Published 2024 Sep 19 Thursday

Kathmandu: Speaker Devraj Ghimire emphasized the need for a systematic, objective approach to constitutional amendments rather than one based on sentiment. Speaking in an interview with the National News Agency (RSS) ahead of Constitution Day, he highlighted that weaknesses in the constitution's implementation must be analyzed before any amendments are made.

Ghimire underscored that significant positive changes have occurred since the adoption of the federal democratic republican system, although the State's resources are limited. He pointed out that improvements in health services and education have elevated living standards.

Addressing the role of the House of Representatives (HoR), he explained that the parliament is focused on creating laws, overseeing their implementation, and providing feedback to the government for more effective governance. Ghimire acknowledged that political instability, particularly with coalition governments, has affected the parliament's ability to function smoothly.

On constitutional amendments, Ghimire stated that while it is natural to remove obstacles in its implementation, discussions about which articles are problematic should be based on experience rather than emotions. He urged for practical, effective implementation of the constitution in the years to come.
