Laxmi Puja Celebrated Across Nepal with Devotion

Published 2023 Nov 12 Sunday

Kathmandu: Laxmi Puja, a significant day dedicated to the worship of the Hindu goddess Laxmi, is being observed nationwide today. Falling traditionally on the third day of the Tihar festival, this year, it coincides with the second day of Tihar, along with Narak Chaturdashi and Kukur Tihar, the festival dedicated to the worship of dogs.

The five-day Tihar, also known as Yamapanchak, commenced on Saturday, and Laxmi Puja is being observed this evening with fervent worship. Devotees engage in cleaning their houses and surroundings, illuminating their homes, and lighting butter lamps to symbolically 'invite' the goddess to their homes. It is believed that Goddess Laxmi avoids houses that are unclean and untidy.

The night of Laxmi Puja is also known as Sukha Ratri, signifying the night of happiness, as it is believed that Goddess Laxmi comes to reside in the house on this auspicious night. To welcome the goddess, devotees create footprint signs from their courtyard up to the main altar.

During the evening of Laxmi Puja, troupes of teenage girls from the neighbourhood sing traditional 'bhailo' songs while dancing joyously. These bhailo troupes visit houses in the neighbourhood, performing cultural songs and dance. In return, house-owners, particularly mothers, offer various presents such as paddy, rice grain, flower garlands, money, and 'sel roti,' a special delicacy cooked in ghee.

The act of presenting donations to the bhailo troupes is believed to bring blessings from the goddess to the house-owner. Homes are illuminated at night with electric lights and butter lamps. Additionally, some people also adhere to the tradition of worshiping cows in the morning on Laxmi Puja.
