Govardhan Puja Celebrated on the Fourth Day of Tihar

Published 2023 Nov 14 Tuesday

Kathmandu: The fourth day of Tihar, a popular Hindu festival celebrated in Nepal, is dedicated to the worship of Govardhan Parbat (Govardhan Mountain) and the ox. This day is marked by various rituals, including the preparation of a mixture of cow dung and ochre, which is applied to house yards and floors. Additionally, people create a replica of Govardhan Mountain using cow dung and perform worship.

Theologian Prof Dr Devmani Bhattarai explained that the ritual of Govardhan Puja commemorates Lord Krishna's act of protecting the people of Gokul from torrential rains. According to the belief, Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan mountain with his hand to shield the people from heavy downpour, caused by the angered god of rain, Indra.

In addition to Govardhan Puja, the ox is also honored on this day as the vehicle of Lord Shiva. The day is marked by various ceremonies and rituals that hold cultural and religious significance in Nepalese Hindu tradition.

