Conflict-Affected Communities Urge Swift Passage of Transitional Justice Act Amendment Bill

Published 2023 Nov 21 Tuesday

Kathmandu: Communities affected by the conflict are pressing for the immediate passage of the proposed bill to amend the transitional justice act and the establishment of a credible commission focused on the needs of the victims.

Despite the 18th anniversary of the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA), which marked the end of the decade-long armed conflict, survivors express frustration at the lack of justice. In a joint statement released today by 20 organizations, including the Conflict Victims Common Platform and the Conflict Victim Women National Network, demands were made for justice through the swift endorsement of the bill and the creation of an impartial commission prioritizing victims.

The statement emphasized the formation of an independent and impartial recommendation committee to establish a credible and victim-centered transitional justice mechanism. It urged the government to address the rights of truth, justice, and reparation, implementing programs based on the short and long-term needs of the victimized communities.

"We want to draw the serious attention of the government to ensure the rights of truth, justice and reparation and implement the reparation-related programmes based on the short and long-term need of the victimised communities," the statement read.

The affected communities called on parliamentary committees and the entire parliament to utilize their sovereign rights in a manner consistent with the comprehensive peace agreement, the Supreme Court's verdict, the concerns of the victimized communities, and international human rights law.

The bill, which is currently sub-judice in the parliament, was tabled around five months ago by a subcommittee formed under the Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee of the House of Representatives.
