Nepal Police Advises Using Authorized Channels for Remittance Transactions

Published 2023 Dec 06 Wednesday

Kathmandu: Nepal Police issued a public advisory, urging individuals to utilize official channels for sending and receiving remittance from abroad. The cautionary message aims to prevent potential legal issues and the escalating risk of cyber fraud associated with unauthorized remittance transactions.

The police highlighted instances where Nepali citizens working abroad have resorted to unofficial channels to send money back home, likely in an attempt to save on transaction charges incurred through official means. In response, the police called on the public to refrain from engaging in illegal remittance transactions.

Police spokesperson Kuber Kadayat revealed that there have been reports of unknown individuals enticing Nepali foreign migrant workers to pay them in foreign currency. These individuals promise to deposit an equivalent amount in Nepalese rupees into the workers' bank accounts in Nepal. Kadayat emphasized that cases of cyber-rackets are on the rise, and participating in illegal remittance transactions significantly heightens the risk of falling victim to cyber fraud.

The advisory underscores the importance of using authorized and secure channels for remittance transactions to safeguard individuals from potential legal consequences and protect them from the growing threat of cybercrime.
