Chinese Ambassador Threatens Nepalese Journalist Over Pokhara Airport Loan Report

Published 2024 May 30 Thursday

Kathmandu: In a heated exchange on social media, Chinese Ambassador Chen Song has come under fire for threatening Nepalese journalist Gajendra Budhathoki after he raised questions about the loan terms for the construction of Pokhara International Airport.

The controversy began when Budhathoki, editor of 'Taksar' magazine, tweeted (now 'Xed') his surprise at a recent report by the Office of the Auditor General. The report indicated that the loan taken for Pokhara Airport had an interest rate of 2 percent, contradicting Budhathoki’s claim that it was actually 5 percent.

In response, Ambassador Chen demanded Budhathoki apologize for disseminating what he described as misleading information. The ambassador further questioned Budhathoki’s representation and affiliations, asking, "Who do you represent?"

Despite the gravity of the situation, the Nepalese government has yet to comment on the incident. Budhathoki posted a screenshot of the document from the Auditor General’s annual report, which outlined the loan details and interest rate for the Pokhara Airport project.

The online dispute between Ambassador Chen and Budhathoki escalated, with the ambassador warning Budhathoki to issue a formal apology and publish accurate documents. Budhathoki, refusing to back down, stated, "I am a lowly person, why should I be threatened by the Chinese ambassador? This threat is not tolerable." He also criticized the ambassador's questioning of his representation, deeming it objectionable.

The incident has sparked concerns over press freedom and foreign influence in Nepal, with many rallying behind Budhathoki and calling for the government to address the ambassador's conduct.
