Paddy Plantation Reaches 92 Percent Mark

Published 2023 Aug 22 Tuesday

Kathmandu: The nation has achieved a paddy plantation rate of 92 percent. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has reported that approximately 1.48 million hectares of land have been utilized for rice cultivation across the country.

Tapendra Bahadur Bohara, the Joint Spokesperson of the ministry, stated that Karnali Province and Sudurpaschim Province have each achieved 99 percent completion in paddy plantation. Meanwhile, Koshi Province has reached 97 percent, Lumbini Province 95 percent, Gandaki Province 94 percent, Bagmati Province 93 percent, and Madhes Province 82 percent.

In contrast to the same period last year when the paddy plantation rate was 95 percent, this year's progress declined slightly to 92 percent due to delayed rainfall.

Of concern is the relatively low paddy plantation rate in Madhes Province, an area known for its fertile land, which recorded the lowest rate of paddy plantation this year.
