Hamas Leaves Behind Booby-Trapped Children's Bags

Published 2023 Oct 24 Tuesday
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Tel Aviv : The IDF's Yahalom Unit, a combat engineering special forces unit, is continuing with the dangerous and painstaking task of collecting explosives and weapons that Hamas terrorists used for the October 7 massacre.Hamas also left behind many booby-traps, making the task of clearing the areas of Israeli territory from any remaining terrorists, explosives and so forth as well as the collection of the bodies of those murdered difficult and slow.

Some of the bodies of the dead were reportedly booby-trapped with explosives.

For example, the IDF released images of a child's school bag its forces found lying in a field thatwas booby-trapped, containing a remote-activated explosive device--weighing 7 kg.Hamas purposefully chose to booby-trap a child's backpack with the hope a well-intentioned civilian would pick it up.
