Climate Change Taking Toll in Himalayan Region

Published 2024 Sep 14 Saturday

Patan (Lalitpur): Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Arju Rana Deuba, emphasized the urgent need for action to address the severe effects of climate change in the Himalayan region. Speaking at the international conference 'Environmental Change in the Himalayan Region' in Lalitpur, she highlighted the alarming frequency of glacier melting due to climate change, which is disrupting both the lifestyle of mountain communities and the broader environmental cycle.

Minister Rana Deuba warned that the crisis has escalated to the point where human existence, along with the natural environment of the mountains, is under threat. She cited recent examples, including the glacier outburst in Thame, Solukhumbu, and the floods in Mustang’s Kagbeni, to stress the immediate need for targeted programs to mitigate climate change's effects.

She called for international cooperation to save the future of the Himalayas, underlining that climate change knows no borders. During the event, Aang Tshering Sherpa, senior vice-chairperson of the International Mountaineering Association, was honored for his contributions to mountaineering and tourism.
