Taranath Dahal and Dharmendra Jha Join Nepal Press Union as Advisors

Published 2023 Jul 19 Wednesday

Kathmandu: Taranath Dahal and Dharmendra Jha, esteemed senior journalists, have been appointed as advisors to the Nepal Press Union (NPU), which serves as an umbrella organization for democratic journalists. The nomination of Dahal and Jha as advisors was made by Shiva Lamsal, the President of the Nepal Press Union, in accordance with Clause 23 of the NPU Statute-2048 (Sixth Amendment-2079).

Taranath Dahal holds the distinction of being the founder of the Nepal Press Union, and throughout his career, he has been unwavering in his advocacy for freedom of expression, media freedom, and the right to information in Nepal. On the other hand, Dharmendra Jha has earned a strong reputation as a media trainer and was also a reserve advisor to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

Dilip Poudel, the general-secretary of the NPU, expressed confidence in the valuable contributions that Dahal and Jha will bring to the organization, believing that their involvement will play a significant role in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the union.
