Jajarkot Earthquake Causes Rs 90 Million Worth of Food to Perish

Published 2023 Dec 11 Monday

Jajarkot: The recent earthquake in Jajarkot has resulted in the destruction of food amounting to Rs 90 million, adding to the extensive loss of lives and properties in the region. The Agriculture Development Office in Jajarkot reported that food valued at over Rs 92.6 million, stored in 34,501 households, was rendered unusable due to the earthquake.

The earthquake, measuring 6.4 in magnitude, struck on November 3, with its epicenter at Ramidanda, leading to the complete destruction of 9,794 houses. The Agriculture Development Office disclosed that various food grains, including paddy, corn, wheat, and millet, stored in these households, were among the casualties of the tremor.

Topendra Biswokarma, the Information Officer of the Office, stated that the earthquake buried more than 2.82 million kilograms of paddy along with corn, wheat, and millet. Additionally, the seismic activity resulted in a loss of livestock estimated at Rs 54.14 million in the district.

The earthquake directly impacted 90,567 people in Jajarkot, raising concerns about a potential food crisis in the earthquake-affected area. The construction of temporary structures on fertile land raises apprehensions of a decline in food production. Particularly, the Barekot rural municipality in the district has historically faced food shortages.

In response to the imminent food crisis, the district administration office has urged locals to actively manage and store food to mitigate potential shortages in the aftermath of the earthquake. The situation underscores the multifaceted challenges faced by the earthquake-affected region, extending beyond immediate infrastructure damage to crucial aspects of food security and agricultural sustainability.

